Sunday, May 25, 2008

Have you ever heard of Chumby? Teddy wants one!

Chumby is a very cool little device. It is a:

video player
small TV
game player
alarm clock
mp3 player
digital picture frame
soft toy
and more!

Here's Chumby

And, it is really cheap! The only reason why I don't have one yet is that they are only available in the US. Next time I go back to America, I am going to get one.

You can do almost anything with Chumby because it is a small computer that you can program. If you can't program computers, that's no problem, other people have done it for you. You can get thousands of cool little programs called widgets to use on your Chumby. It can tell you anything you want to know off the Internet, play, and have fun with it.

I really want one!

There's more info here:

Monday, May 19, 2008

More ukuleles

I have one really cool ukulele, but it isn't enough.

This is the one I have.

Here is the one I want!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

I have never owned a video camera - Time to get one

I would really love to have a video camera. Pictures are fun, but sometimes you really want to show some action. Most video cameras are really expensive though.

There are some cheap ones you can get now. The first one I want is called the Flip.

Here is a picture:

It is really small, totally simple to use, and difficult to break. I already broke my iPod, so I have to be a bit careful with electronics. I tend to break things if I use them a lot, and I think I would carry this with me all of the time.

I think I would use it to record videos of class, going to sake tasting, and just weird stuff I see all the time in Tokyo. I see lots of weird stuff sometimes, do you?