Sunday, June 1, 2008

Super Cub!

This is something that Greedy Teddy used to have, but really wants to have again.

When I lived in Nagoya, I bought a small motorcycle. It was a really old Super Cub 70. It only cost me 30,000 yen, but it was great. I loved it. It was the first motorcycle I ever had. The Super Cub was nothing special, but it always worked great and was really fun.

My friends teased me because it was old and small. They thought I should have a big Italian motorbike, but I loved my Super Cub.

Unfortunately, somebody stole it!

I really want to get another one. Especially, I would like to get an old, vintage one. The new Super Cubs are OK, but the old ones are much cooler! These days I don't have a motorcycle license, so I have to get the Super Cub 50, not another 70.

This is exactly what I want:

Can anyone suggest a good shop that I should go to?


eri said...

Hi Ted.

I like moter cycle too.
but I liker car.

do u like car?

T said...

hey Ted,
i just surprised alot about that motocycle !!
cos there are lot in my country!
that one is great i know its great Ted.
well, but i have no idea where to get one in japan Ted sorry.

Greedy Teddy said...

Hi Eri,

I like motocycles better than cars, but usually cars are more practical and safer, too!

Greedy Teddy said...

Hey PB,

I know the Honda bikes are really common all over Asia. There are some really cool ones available outside Japan. People here pretty much prefer cars or big bikes. The small bikes are less popular.

MA・RI・KO said...

Hi, Ted.
I though you more like big one than small as super cub.
By the way, a person who stole your cub is very but!
I hope you get a super cub again especislly old one☆

hitomi said...

hello Ted.
Oh! It's cool.
It suits you very much.

kurebayashi said...

Hi Ted!
I like small motocycle like your picture. It is so cool!!!

I wish you can get good one.

Shota said...

It is so cool !!!!
I have motocycle too, and I go to Obirin by it.